Friday, March 18, 2011


Sully has had a rocky 24hrs with some hypertensive and bradycardic episodes but nurse Mary has him bundled and quiet today. He got re-intubated with a new tube yesterday to see if it made a difference. But he is also showing possible signs of inflammation or infection. Not really sure what is going on. He is on a bit more support again--bit more nitric, oxygen, higher pressures on the ventilator. An echo is scheduled for later today to check out his heart again.


  1. Thinking of you all and hoping Sully is doing much better

  2. Hugs and more hugs to the three of you.

    Jaymie, Zainab, and Hicham

  3. Hello from Paul in Seoul, Korea
    Hello Terra and Neil.
    This is Paul sending your way the best wishes and heartful
    prayers for you and your baby angel Sullivan.
    He looks like the most precious and innocent little angel sent from above.
    I am sure his guardian is always around him
    and protecting him.
    I would like to let you know that I will keep him as well as you two in my
    thoughts and prayers.
    Paul (that Korean boy whom your mother always used to invite to your Christmas family dinners)
